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Worship with us every Lord's Day

at 10am and 4pm

7500 N Dreamy Draw Dr Ste 242
Phoenix, AZ 85020


There are several elements of our worship
that are distinct from many other services:

Family Integrated

We believe that parents are commanded to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the LORD.

This includes teaching their children how to worship. Family members worship together for the entire service, and as a congregation, we support and encourage the parents and children among us.

We do offer private and comfortable seating for nursing mothers and for families with Puritans in Training.

Regulative Principle of Worship

We believe that God cares how He is worshiped and has given us His Word to instruct us.
Anything that is not commanded, either explicitly or implicitly in Scripture, is not allowed in His worship.
The most noticeable manifestation of this principle, is that we  only sing from God's Hymnal,
which is contained in the Book of Psalms, and these are sung without the accompaniment of  musical instruments.

Scripture Focused

We believe that God is present with us in His Word and therefore the focus of His worship is the Scriptures themselves. There are usually two teachings in the morning service; the first is often a Psalm exposition so that we can sing with understanding; and the second is an expositional teaching on a book of the Bible--verse by verse, brick upon brick, precept upon precept, so that we can grow in unity in God's truth. During the evening service there is one teaching on a systematic subject of Scripture and an exhortation before the Lord's Supper. 

There is a fellowship meal after the evening service. Everyone is welcome.

Liberty of Conscience

The purpose for all of this is to make sure that God is the focus of His worship and that His commands,
rather than our preferences, dictate how we offer our sacrifices of praise.
While it might seem that having such rigorous rules on our worship would result in the exclusion of many possible worshipers, it is actually our desire to remove offenses, and welcome worshipers with many convictions as we grow in unity, that we hold to these standards. If it is not in the Word of God, it is not in our worship.

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