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Only Scripture is infallible, please use these resources with discernment

The Scripturalism of Gordon Clark

Gary Crampton

Gordon Clark was one of the clearest thinking and clearest writing theologians and philosophers of the twentieth century, yet one of the least influential. By engaging the philosophical thought of the past 2,500 years, Dr. Clark achieved what no thinker before him had done: a complete revolution in philosophy. Dr. Gary Crampton is one of the few scholars who understands the significance of what Dr. Clark has done, and he explains it clearly and concisely in this introduction to Dr. Clark's thought.

What is Saving Faith?

Gordon Clark

This is the combined edition of two of Dr. Clark's seminal books: Faith and Saving Faith and The Johannine Logos. Both books deal with the crucial issue of justification by faith alone in a new fashion: by deriving a definition of faith (belief) from the Greek New Testament rather than from Latin theologians. It is both ironic and telling that most Protestants, when asked to define the word "faith," sound like they are exegeting the Vulgate. No one before Dr. Clark has examined, collated, and systematized the wealth of Scriptural material relevant to the definition of faith. The result is a refreshing and exhilarating defense of the doctrine of justification through belief alone.

Not What My Hands Have Done

Horatius Bonar & Charles Hodge

Horatius Bonar and Charles Hodge, both 19th-century theologians, left us with one of the best popular explanations of the Biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone, and one of the best scholarly discussions of the doctrine and its adversaries. These two books, The Everlasting Righteousness by Bonar and Justification by Faith Alone by Hodge, are here combined into one volume. Not What My Hands Have Done offers not only a primer on justification but an advanced course as well. It is must reading for anyone who wants to understand Christianity.

By Scripture Alone

Gary Crampton

In the past few years, zealous converts to Roman Catholicism have published books attacking the Reformation doctrine of justification by faith alone, and revelation by Scripture alone. This book is a defense of the Christian doctrine of Scripture against those who assert its unreliability, its insufficiency, and its vagueness.

The Trinity

Gordon Clark

The doctrine of God has been garbled by church councils and theologians for centuries. Dr. Clark, who never attended seminary but taught at several, clearly explains the doctrine of the Trinity, tracing it from Scripture, and comparing Scripture to what theologians have said through the centuries. He offers his own contribution to the doctrine by suggesting a definition of "person," something no church council had bothered to do. The sole authority in this discussion is the Word of God, and the pronouncements of all councils and creeds are judged by that authority. This is perhaps the best book that has yet been written on the Trinity.


Gordon Clark

Healthcare for all, education for all, and welfare for all were preceded and made possible by the theology of salvation for all. Universalism - whether of the Roman Catholic or Arminian variety - perverted the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and made possible the modern welfare state. Biblical theology is inegalitarian, and the doctrine of the atonement is the heart of the Biblical message. In this book, Dr. Clark brings an unmatched clarity of thought and expression to a critical Christian doctrine, and his systematic explanation of the atonement of Christ for his people will richly reward the believing reader.

The Biblical Doctrine of Man

Gordon Clark

The climax of creation was the creation of man. For five days, God had prepared the stage for his own image. Then, on day six, God breathed his own breath into the body he had made of dust, and made man, the image and glory of God. This view of man - so at odds with the evolutionary view and so fundamental to Christian theology and philosophy - is the basis of civilized society.

Religion, Reason and Revelation

Gordon Clark

Religion, Reason and Revelation is one of the greatest defenses of the Christian faith ever written. It is a model of scholarship and analysis; in it Dr. Clark refutes both the broad philosophical movements that opposed Christianity and the specific contentions of many modern authors. But he does not conclude with the logical destruction of non-Christian philosophies; Dr. Clark goes on to show how Biblical Christianity answers questions and solves problems that all other philosophies leave unanswered and unsolved. It is a classic work in Christian apologetics.

Christianity and Neo-Liberalism

Paul Elliott

Paul M. Elliott, a former Ruling Elder in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, carefully traces the origin of the spiritual crisis in the OPC and similar denominations to the pernicious teaching of Westminster Theological Seminary. That teaching is that God is unknowable, that Scripture is contradictory, and that salvation is by faith-plus-works. Elliott provides copious quotations from faculty members, from the Westminster Theological Journal, and from pastors in OPC congregations to document his analysis. This book is must reading for all Presbyterians.

God and Evil

Gordon Clark

For centuries those who have opposed the Christian faith have argued that if God is good, he cannot be all-powerful, since there is evil in the world; and if God is all-powerful, he cannot be good, since there is evil in the world. Either God is good or he is all-powerful, but he cannot be both--or so the argument goes. For centuries, Christian theologians have attempted to refute this argument, and they have failed. Now one American Christian philosopher has succeeded. God and Evil is the masterful solution to the ancient problem of evil. This book is chapter five of Religion, Reason, and Revelation.


Gordon Clark

It is difficult to discern which Christian doctrine is the most hated by the world - predestination, total depravity, justification by faith alone, or the wrath of God - but predestination must rank right near the top. In this book, Dr. Clark marshals hundreds of verses to demonstrate that the Bible teaches that God is indeed almighty, and that he alone determines the eternal destiny of all men. Predestination is perhaps the best book available on the subject, for Dr. Clark begins with the doctrine of creation, and few other theologians explain the connection between creation and predestination.

The Presbyterian Philosopher

Doug Douma

This is the story of Gordon Clark (1902-85), respected philosopher and prolific writer, who held that Christianity, as a logically coherent system, is superior to all other philosophies. Clark fought no wars and conquered no kingdoms. Yet he was a leading figure in many theological wars fought for the Kingdom of God. These battles for the minds and souls of men were every bit as crucial as physical wars between nations. In an age of increasing secularization, he put up an intellectual defense of the Christian faith. This faith, he believed, was a system. All of its parts link together, a luxury of no other philosophy. His stance shows a Christianity that is in fact intellectual, not relying on appeals to emotion or experience. In propounding this view, he encountered frequent opposition, not from the secular world, but from within his own denomination. This biography helps explain why his thought was so profound, why resistance mounted against him, and how his struggles impacted American Presbyterianism. Additionally, this book calls for a reappraisal of Clark's views, which have been maligned by controversy. Understanding and applying his views could significantly fortify Christians combating irrational and non-systematic ideas prevalent in today's churches.

The Clark Van Til Controversy

Herman Hoeksema

This book is a series of editorials written at the time of the so-called Clark-Van Til controversy in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the mid-1940's. The essays are some of the best analyses of its meaning we have seen in print, written by the editor of the Standard Bearer. Far from being a sideshow, and far from being dead, the assault on the doctrines of Scripture by the faculty of Westminster Seminary determined the path that the Seminary, and to some extent, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, would follow for the remainder of the century.

Imperious Presbyterianism

Kevin Reed

Authoritarianism is an expression of the sinful nature of fallen man. It finds expression in families and businesses, but most cruelly in churches and governments. Today, authoritarianism pervades the professing churches, from the absolute monarchy of the Roman Catholic Church-State and the local Baptist church that has only one pastor and no elders. This sinful authoritarianism has also entered the "conservative" Presbyterian churches, In this essay, Kevin Reed traces the historical and doctrinal roots of Imperious Presbyterianism, and calls Bible-believing Presbyterians to correct the errors of their authoritarian elders.

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Rules for Walking in Fellowship

John Owen

In Rules for Walking in Fellowship, John Owen supplies congregations with biblical guidelines for making church life in the present a foretaste of heavenly fellowship to come. He discusses both the responsibilities congregations have toward pastors as well as the duties members have toward one another. Together, Owen presents twenty-four rules for fostering gospel fellowship, supporting them with numerous proof texts, brief explanations, and words of motivation.

Come Out from Among Them

John Calvin

At the time of the Reformation, some persons who claimed to be Reformed pretended to be Roman Catholic, attending mass and giving their Romanist neighbors no reason to think that they were Reformed. Calvin addressed this behavior, calling on these people, if they believed in Christ, to make a public confession of their faith, rather than dissembling for the purpose of keeping their status in society. He called them to separation from a false church.

The Necessity of Reforming the Church

John Calvin

The perceptive reader will see many parallels between the spiritual climate of Calvin’s day and the religious chaos in our own society. If religious corruptions required reformation then, similar corruptions demand serious reform today. We witness the sad spectacle of Protestant churches fascinated with liturgical rites and innovations in worship. Prominent “evangelical” leaders have endorsed a peace pact with Rome. Many “reformed” denominations tolerate evangelistic methods and gimmicks built upon Pelagian presuppositions. If anything, Calvin’s tract demonstrates how far modern Protestants have declined from the doctrines and practices of the Reformation. The Necessity of Reforming the Church is more than just an historic monument to the Reformation. It is a spiritual manifesto, calling us to repentance in an era of gross religious corruption.

Singing the Songs of Jesus

Michael Lefebevre

The Psalms were composed for singing. In Old and New Testament times, and throughout Church history, congregations sung Psalms. Despite renewed interest in Psalmody, few books explain how the Psalms function as hymns for Christ-centred worship. Singing the Songs of Jesus fills that gap without shying away from difficulties, like the doubts and curses of the Psalms. This study shows why the Psalms are suited for Christian praise and how to use them for powerful and relevant worship.

Learning to Love the Psalms

Robert Godfrey

The Psalms are undeniably beautiful. They are also difficult, and readers often come away convinced that tremendous riches remain just beyond their grasp. In this book, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey invites us to journey with him towards a greater understanding and love for these sacred verses. The timeless elegance of the Psalms, their depth of expression, and testimony to the greatness of God have enchanted and edified God's people for centuries. Learning to Love the Psalms is intended to help today's Christians share in that delight.

The Puritan Scripturalist Church Psalter


The goal of the Puritan Scripturalist Church Psalter was to set the 150 Biblical Psalms, Hymns and Songs of the Spirit to familiar tunes that are easy to sing, while preserving the propositional integrity of the Word of God.

Call the Sabbath a Delight

Walter J Chantry

Walter Chantry is an author who has consistently put his finger on the particular weaknesses and failures of the contemporary church. In his books we hear echoes of the prophetic insights and warnings which run through Scripture. Call the Sabbath a Delight is no exception. Its title indicates the burden of its message. This book is a very important book for all Christians to read.

What is the Christian Life?

Gordon Clark

What Is the Christian Life? combines the second editions of Sanctification and Today's Evangelism: Counterfeit or Genuine? into one edition on the subject of the Christian Life. Also included are two essays by Dr. Clark - "Sanctification" and "the Christian and the Law." In the Evangelical world today, because of the rampant anti-intellectualism and relativism, the propositional truths of sanctification and the Gospel are under attack, even by many in "Reformed" churches. Although originally published in the late twentieth century, Clark's books on these doctrines and the many errors surrounding them are still apropos today.

The Masculine Mandate

Richard D Phillips

In this book, Richard D. Phillips cuts through the cultural confusion, highlights God's mandate for men, and encourages readers to join him on a journey of repentance and renewal. Phillips begins in the Garden of Eden, drawing foundational teaching for men from the earliest chapters of God's Word. This is teaching that reaches into all of life. Christian men today need to examine their hearts and embrace their God—given mandate. Only then will they be able to recognize their high calling, and by God's grace, serve faithfully in whatever context God has placed them.

Family Shepherds

Voddie Baucham Jr.

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of the family, and that of fathers in particular. We’ve heard it said, “As the family goes, so goes the nation.” But it can also be said that “as the father goes, so goes the family.” Consequently, Voddie Baucham has set out to teach men how to faithfully shepherd their families.

Derived from Baucham’s monthly meetings with men in his church, Family Shepherds calls men to accountability for their God-given responsibilities in their homes. Baucham’s clear style and practical approach will spur men to protect their marriage, raise kingdom-minded children, value the synergy between church and home, and navigate difficult family dynamics.

Family Shepherds is a book for any husband or father looking to lead well, and it will serve as an excellent resource for churches looking to equip the men in their congregations.

Stand Fast

Douglas Bond

Doug Bond wants to strengthen and equip young men to take every thought captive as they strive to love and adore Christ in our culture. He encourages them to serve like a man, to lead like a man, and to understand our culture in order to demolish false teachings. Stand Fast is an excellent tool for growing the faith and love of fathers and sons and for promoting Christian leadership and maturity in young men.

Hold Fast

Douglas Bond

With clarity and piercing insight, "Fathers and Sons" alerts young men to the dangers that face them, teaches them how to put away sin and worship God, prepares them to be leaders and fathers, and helps them be in culture but not of culture.

In this second of two volumes, author Douglas Bond emphasizes biblical living in a post-Christian culture, masculinity in a feminine culture, being salt and light in a dark world, and being a man of faith in life and in death.

How to Be a Man

Harvey Newcomb

The ethical principles and practices outlined by the author of this volume constitute indespensible advice for Christian boys who desire to become godly men for the glory of God. Chapter titles include "Piety as the Spring of Action and Regulator of the Soul," "Treatment of Brothers and Sisters and Others in the Family," "Behavior at Table," "Choice of Society and Formation of Friendships," "Government of the Tongue," etc. This book should be in every home, and in the library of every young man.

How to Be a Lady

Harvey Newcomb

The ethical principles and practices outlined by the author of this volume constitute indespensible advice for Christian girls who desire to become godly women for the glory of God. Chapter titles include "Piety as the Spring of Action and Regulator of the Soul," "Treatment of Brothers and Sisters and Others in the Family," "Behavior at Table," "Choice of Society and Formation of Friendships," "Government of the Tongue," etc. This book should be in every home, and in the library of every young lady.

And She Shall Be Called Woman

Victoria Botkin

How does a wife help her husband be the man Christ wants him to be? How can she inspire him to love her? How can she discover the forgotten joys of being the helper God designed her to be? Victoria, beloved wife of Geoffrey Botkin and mother of seven, follows the injunctions in Titus 2 to address a host of practical topics for wives. In this audio from the immensely popular "Evenings With Victoria Botkin" webinar series, listen to Victoria discuss subjects like woman's great power, sinful tendencies, independence vs. submission, beauty, dress, makeup, respect, women's rights, hospitality, pitfalls of perfectionism in homemaking, Hollywood expectations, trials, trust, and cultivating personality. Throughout, she responds to questions from women.

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